Saturday, June 7, 2008

Man vs Woman-Equal or not....

I think that its a fair question, but I think that the answer is very subjective... There are many factors in that equation. (High-school Calculus nightmare's come to mind....)

If, I were asked about my life, and would Nick and I be considered equal I would say "No" we are not equal because I feel Physically he works harder than I do, but I do more in other area's of the life.. So one can argue the point that realistically we will never be equal. The trick however is to be a "whole" together.

Is it possible, well I don't know. I know the notion sounds wonderful, that we all can except each others strengths and weaknesses, but human nature isn't as compassionate. We as a human race are more of search and destroyers than planners and builders. So, all this less than physically equal girl can do is wait and see what happens next.

Friday, June 6, 2008

SUMMER Colds Suck

How is it even possible to get one? Well, my mom had "the sniffles" the other day, but insisted that she wasn't sick........ I am going to try to paint a picture of how she looked when we saw her the other day.... HER NOSE was as red as these words, but still insisted that she wasn't sick.

Here's the nana, relaxing at the park, she didnt want to walk the boardwalk, because she wanted to save that prime bench location, not that she was too sick to go.... I LOVE U NANA!!!

I don't care much anyways, we are hardly sick with colds in this family. So a sniffle now and then is ok. But I have a whole host of ailments, the most annoying is that I can not eat meat...... I know its better that way, better for my body, especially since my dad had colon cancer and I am at a higher risk of getting it........ but my GOD, a filet cooked perfectly is HEAVEN..... So, I guess for now, i will have to rely on my fond memories of me and my meat.... OMG, that sounds gross, but I am not going to edit it because it was how I was feeling at the moment, and I am not going to be one of those people who have to make sense all the fucking time.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Summer is here...... Let the madness begin

So, here it is. Children are out of school for the FIRST official day, and what do I do? Go to all the places that ALL these children with pent up energy go..... But I am not complaining because of course, I have the most well behaved child on earth.

We first go to the library because it is Thursday and it is story day. I, expecting a zillions children was ever so disappointed when (again, this is the first day of "no school"), My brilliant, eager to learn child was the only one there. NO SHIT... We had to wait for 15 minutes for 2 other children that weren't even there for story time to start. But it was fantastic.... My daughter (Nicolette) some time ago, (she is 4, so it cant be all that long ago) decided that she is going to be both an animal and a human doctor. So, with this in mind of course we had to find books on the Human body etc.

I, excited at the notion that My daughter was going to be a DR., was soon taken back to reality when my daughter began to say " mom, is this the boy's JOHNSON?" yeah, at that point i thought, does she really want to be a doctor or is she that clever that she knows this book would have that picture.... OH, by the way, it wasn't a Johnson, and there is no naked pictures, she, as I have mentioned is brilliant and has found a way to PUNK me....

So, after this we grabbed a pick-a-nic (as my mom "the Nana"* calls it) at SUBWAY and went to the water sprinkler park at Jensen beach. However, this time there were all those crazy kids that I thought would be there, and to be honest only one child out of a zillion were annoying to both myself and the Nana.

Later that evening while Nicolette and I sat and had dinner, she said that today was the BEST day, and then started with her unusual questions ( i have to list a few because again at 4 who asks these questions).

1. So mom, What is it like to be a grown up
2. What was it like to have me in your belly
3. When Am I going to have babies

Then, as soon as these "grown up" conversations start they end with her putting on her favorite blue high heel shoes and pretending to be singing on "American Igol" (no spelling error she says it that way)

Now, we are getting ready for bed, and she is picking out her bedtime tea. Bedtime tea! Does anyone else thing that I am living in a some what Twilight Zone?

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Other people's blogs

I will promise you this, if you post a comment on my blog I will post it. Even if it is a negative one, I will put it on for everyone to see. Why am I telling you this? well, someone that I know, has a post and I said something that apparently hit home, because of course it was NOT POSTED.

I don't get people like that...whats the point? I guess some subjects are off limits... UHHH then why do you post them?