Friday, July 27, 2012


plans for this weekend. 

eat sleep repeat

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The power of the Pickle

I have decided that women really only need 3 things to survive.  (in no particular order)

1. a great expensive pair of shoes
2.  the perfect lip liner and filler
3.  a pickle. 

yes, a pickle.  think about it.. Who doesnt like the look, feel and taste of a pickle?  it makes me happy just thinking about the lil guys. 

anyways, the power of the pickle, always, ALWAYS puts a smile on my face...

cant wait to get my hands on one ;)

So much to say, so little time?

The more I think about my not writing for sometime The more I realized how much has changed in my life since my last post...

I've left my life in Florida for a new, better chance at life (I hope) I left my closest family and friends, to achieve success. Not your typical monetary success, or with my career (which has also changed); but success as a mom, a provider and friend.  However, at night admittedly I wonder a few things.

- Will I achieve the success that I am looking for? And, of course at what price will it come at? I left my parents essentially when they probably needed me the most. I think about THIS choice when everyone else is asleep and it's just me and my ever loud and clear conscience.

At what point do I reach my "ah ha" moment and know that I did make the right choice? I really wish it would Make it' s appearance soon, as I really could use a good night’s sleep! So for now, this tiny house will have to make room for me, my heavy heart and my guilty conscience.

Nite nite!


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

In the magical universe there are no coincidences and there are no accidents. Nothing happens unless someone wills it to happen. -William S. Burroughs

I found my old blog by coincidence, but that leads me to the question "are there really any coinsidensces?" 

The timing is odd.  Today, my Peanut left for 3 weeks to go to florida.  Pondering what I was going to do with my free time.  (other than unpack, paint etc) then, POOF like magic pixie dust this appears.  SO I dare ask....

Conisidence or not?

coincidence? i think not!